GOD IS HOLY - (Part 1)

HOLY can be defined using many terms and in different ways as nouns, verbs and adjectives but here are 4 basic meanings to summarize the general definition of the word HOLY

  1. Do reverence because association or derived from our Heavenly Father; having divine nature or origin, inspirational, magnificent, superb, awesome, sacred, exceptionally pleasing, marvelous, amazing, miraculous, incredible, glorious, majestic, unsearchable greatness, perfection - God's character in rightness, pureness amplified, excellence personified
  2. Separation unto God from sin or impurity, sanctified, set apart for God’s purpose, consecrated (devoted, dedicated) to our Lord, freed from sin’s dominion, delivered from darkness into His glorious Kingdom of Light
  3. Conduct, manner of life, blameless lifestyle, pureness in Christ, undefilement from the world, servants of righteousness, proper behavior
  4. People, places and things devoted to God, used of God, including services and ceremonies ordained by God (Godly weddings, communion, baby dedications, etc...)


Isaiah 57:15 High and Lofty One whose Name is Holy, eternity is holy and high
(Lofty - towering, great height, elevated in character, quality, style, etc…)
Luke 1:46-54 He that is Mighty hath done great things: Holy is His Name, Mercy
Psalm 145:1-21 Verse 1 & 2 Praise the Lord for His Name’s sake Verse 3 He is great Verse 4 His mighty acts Verse 5 Glorious honor of thy majesty Verse 7 Great goodness & righteousness Verse 8 Gracious & full of compassion Verse 17 Righteous in all His ways, HOLY (merciful / bountiful) in all His Works Verse 21 Bless His HOLY Name


Psalm 99:1-9 He sits between the cherubims, praise His great and terrible (awesome) Name, for it is Holy; for the Lord your God is Holy
John 17:11 Jesus call our Father HOLY
Revelation 4:2-9 Out of the throne comes lighting, thundering & voices saying HOLY, HOLY, HOLY is the Lord God Almighty


Psalm 16:9-11 Holy One will not see corruption
Psalm 89:16-19 God's favor shall exalt, The Lord is our defense; Holy One of Israel is our King
Isaiah 54:4,5 Thy Maker is thine husband, the Lord of host is His Name, the Redeemer the Holy One of Israel, God of the whole earth
Acts 4:30 Sign and wonders done by the Name of the HOLY child Jesus, shows God’s glory

God’s Spirit is Holy, His Presence

Romans 1:3,4 According to the Spirit of Holiness
Ephesians 4:29,30 Grieve not the HOLY Spirit of God
1 Thessalonians 4:7-9 Given unto us His HOLY Spirit
1 Kings 8:10,11 Holy place, glory of the Lord filled the house of the Lord, presence of God
Luke 4:17-19 & Acts 10:38 God anointed Jesus with His Spirit, Named Holy Spirit